Blogs, etc.

Blogs by me

Research Service, National Assembly for Wales
Reflections on a NERC Policy Internship in the Research Service
Article about completing a policy internship during my PhD

A jungle day-trip: studying brazil nuts in the Peruvian Amazon
Account and photos of fieldwork in the Amazon

Research group websites

Conservation@Bangor, School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University

York Environmental Sustainability Institute – Resilient Ecosystems

Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Conservation, University of East Anglia

Edwards Lab, University of Sheffield

Research briefings

Produced during a NERC Policy Internship at the Research Service, National Assembly for Wales

Woodlands in Wales: a quick guide (also available in Welsh)
Developments of National Significance (also available in Welsh)

Media articles about my research

Science Magazine
The tires on your car threaten Asian biodiversity

BBC News Science & Environment
Demand for rubber ‘threatens forests’

Growing need for deforestation-free rubber as tire demand destroys native forests

Süddeutscher Zeitung
Wald ohne Leben (in German)

ALERT (Alliance of Leading Environmental Researchers and Thinkers)
The new land-use tsunami imperiling the tropics

Ethical Corporation
Sustainable Rubber briefing: Michelin zero-deforestation pledge raises hopes for responsible sourcing
Study bats for initiatives to parry rubber estate boom